Alyssa Kok – Extraordinary Artist – Giuseppe Curci Culture and Music Association, Italy

ITALY, Barletta | 28 May 2023 ~ International Piano Festival 2023, Barletta, Italy

Alyssa Kok, performed a recital at the International Piano Festival 2023 in Barletta Italy. She was lauded as an “Extraordinary Artist” by the Giuseppe Curci Culture and Music Association. ‘Extraordinary success, encores and standing ovation this evening for Alyssa Kok’s Piano Concert at the GOS Youth Open Space Urban Laboratory. The Singaporean pianist managed to engage and excite the entire audience present with her grandiose talent;’- Giuseppe Curci Culture and Music Association

The Artistic Director of the International Piano Festival 2023 remarked, “The performance was met with an enthusiastic response, prompting an encore and a well-deserved standing ovation.” Rita Lamonaca, Director at Soundiff – Diffrazioni Sonore Soc. Coop, referred to her as a ‘great artist’.